Monday, January 14, 2019

Prepearing For My Grade One Exam

Hi its me Bonnie Lister on my last blog I showed you Like a lulluby from show tuens. Now Im prepearing for my Grade One exam! For my first pice Im playing Ecossaise by Beethoven. If you like my video please coment on it. The compser of this music 🎶  wanted it to be like a fan fair. If you dont know what a fan fair is it is where someone royal 👑 comes. I can not pick my third pice of music so I would like you to coment on what pice of music 🎶 I shold play out of these 3 tunes. They are:
The Muppet Show Theme by Jim Henson and Sam Pottle
Stoppin’ off in Louisiana by Ros Stephen
Elenke by Trad. Bulgarian

Friday, November 30, 2018

My Very First Post

The violin 🎻
Hi 👋 my name is Bonnie. I’m Eight years old and my talent is the violin. I play the violin on Monday and Sundays.Lots of people do not no I’m so good at the violin.When I’m older I want to be a blogger and a sensational explorer.

Now back to the violin 🎻

If you are inspired by my vidio and you want to learn to play this enchanting,magical instrument 🎻. I know the perfect 👌 teacher 👩‍🏫. Her name is Louise.

Louise is a kindred spirit.And never minds if you are tired 💤 . She never gets cross if you mess up when you are playing.